Saturday, September 26, 2009

Lipari-Sicilia-Italia 2009

This year we went straight to the motherland (Rob's that is) and settled in quickly with as much care and attention as we have ever received on the island. We only ate out twice and cooked for ourselves only 4 times. Otherwise, we were lovingly, overly fed by various family and friends! It was wonderful and delicious! Can you imagine gelato everyday for 2 weeks?! Not to mention coffee every couple of hours! Love it!
This year we took a different route to La Isola Lipari. It always takes some combination of planes, trains, and ferries, and automobiles, and scooters, and sometimes a donkey (just kidding, but it can feel like it). After about 36 hours we finally arrive at our destination in time for un cafe, pranzo e una reposa! This year we took the train from Roma to Napoli and caught the overnight ship to Lipari. It was really nice to wake up and see the islands as we approached!
After the obligatory first espresso on Italian soil, we had a lay-over of about 4 hours in Rome and so we walked around the colosseum and took some pictures.....a guy in yellow, Buca de la verita! The last is the Naples coastline as we depart on the boat!